It’s interesting these days to
see how experiences interlock with one another.
I recently published a blog-post on the importance of “love” – based on
the importance of everyone trying to cultivate a mindful awareness of one’s
surroundings and thereby becoming more adaptive as people. Through this process we could become more
aware of the continuities linking different cultures. The blog-post can be accessed at
Only a week after I had
published this post, I read an assessment by Don Randall of Bilkent University
on English Studies in Turkey ( Published in January 2015, the article
examines current standards of research and teaching while offering an
idiosyncratic solution to these “problems” through the introduction of more
foreign-trained local academics into the system.
My initial reaction was an
indignant one: the article contains so many errors of fact and misinterpreted
ideas that I wondered precisely how it could have passed the peer review
process and appeared in the journal. I
do not want to go into too much detail, but perhaps one or two examples might
Randall claims
that English teaching “tends to take shape quite unproductively as the practice
of translation.” The main issue
concerning ELT has little or nothing to do with “translation,” but rather focuses
on a preoccupation with grammar at the expense of speaking. Most learners graduate from high schools with
a limited knowledge of the way English works, but lacking either the confidence
or the competence to communicate in the second language. Yasemin Kırkgöz’s article, appearing in the RELC Journal (2007) published by Sage,
examines this issue in detail.
The author seems
to be under the impression that English Studies came to the Republic of Turkey
as a quasi-colonialist project akin to that described in 1815 by Thomas
Babington Macaulay when referring to a similar project in British India. In fact English Studies was part of a project
introduced in the mid-twentieth century by the Ministry of Education as a means
of implementing Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s policies of westernization allied to
developing local cultures. Scholars were
certainly encouraged to follow western models, but use them as a basis for
constructing their own culture-specific theoretical and methodological
approaches. I published an article on
this issue as long ago as 1999 (
Randall goes on to
claim that English departments in Turkey embrace “an extraordinarily deep and
intimate unity of British literature and culture” in their curricula. This claim surprises me: one of principal methodological
aims of most literature departments, especially those with a cultural studies component,
has been to problematize the notion of “Britishness” not only by looking at
constructions of multiculturalism, but by looking at the whole idea of
“culture” and its implications from a cross-cultural perspective. I explored this issue in a recent
presentation based on my own pedagogy
Drawing on the
work of Spivak, Randall recommends that English Studies should move away from a
purely text-based approach and favor instead the “socially transformative
values” produced by an “aesthetic education.”
While embracing the idea of “transformation,” it should come about
through collaboration between educators and learners, not through the
imposition of critical precepts formulated in the west. To rely purely on Spivak’s precepts
represents a contemporary form of colonialism – in other words, the imposition
of western-formulated notions in a nonwestern culture. The ghost of Macaulay haunts Randall’s
Lastly Randall
quotes the example of his institution hiring a western-trained Turkish academic
as a possible solution to the “problem” of English Studies. This strategy has been pursued, to my
knowledge at least, for the past seven decades: many of the best scholars in
English Departments past and present have received their education abroad. Moreover, it is not always the case that the
best scholars need this form of education: Professor Talât Halman (1931-2014),
one of the best-known translators, teachers and cultural ambassadors in the
Republic’s history, never even studied for a PhD.
As I read Randall’s article for the second or the
third time, my emotions changed; I was no longer angry but profoundly sad, not
just for the fact that such an article could have appeared in print, but
because it revealed the shortcomings of “adaptation” as a process. This has nothing to do with research issues,
and everything to do with cultural and psychological adjustment. Where is the empathy? Where is the willingness to listen to and
embrace other people’s arguments? Where
is the love of one’s fellow human beings?
At a time of political and cultural upheaval, the
article leaves me with a profound feeling of depression. If my learners or colleagues read this article,
they might be rendered equally depressed; is that what representatives of “the
west” (understood as a political and social entity) think of our efforts? I am still left with the difficult task of
proving the value of adaptation as a cultural and psychological process (that
we are never the same people today as we were yesterday, or will be tomorrow)
as well as trying to sustain communities of purpose dedicated to literature –
not as a subject for “aesthetic education” but as a means of discovering something
about ourselves and the way we respond so differently to the world around us.
The only way to overcome such reversals as this is to
follow the advice of Winston Churchill – KBO (Keep Buggering On). Do what you believe in to the best of your abilities.
Laurence Raw
28 Mar. 2016